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200hr Yoga Teacher Training

Acknowledgement of Contract + Commitment for Zen Riot Yoga Teacher Training:

By agreeing and signing below, the student agrees to Zen Riot Yoga Teacher Training

terms and understands all expectations and commitments.

Commitment Agreement

Student agrees to commit to 200 hours of required training, including in person, online and homework with Zen Riot YTT in order to receive certificate of completion.
I Agree and Understand
I do not Agree or Understand
Student agrees and understands that Zen Riot YTT is an in depth training program that will require physical, mental, and emotional commitment.
I Agree and Understand
I do not Agree or Understand
Student understands that it is their responsibility to sustain a healthy lifestyle, with nourishment, hydration and rest during the Zen Riot YTT program.
I Agree and Understand
I do not Agree or Understand
This training can be intense, we may find ourselves triggered by the work, by co-students, or by the teacher and teachings. Students must be willing to take personal accountability for triggers and maintain acceptable participation to graduate.
I Agree and Understand
I do not Agree or Understand
By joining this teacher training, one recognizes that they will be in the company of fellow students and will treat each other with the highest respect. Gossip,harassment, and breach of confidentiality is not tolerated and grounds for dismissal.
I Agree and Understand
I do not Agree or Understand
Zen Riot YTT reserves the right to withdraw any student for displaying violent/verbal/physical abuse, harassment, sexual harassment, or any other abrasive/inappropriate behavior without refund regardless of time completed.
I Agree and Understand
I do not Agree or Understand
Zen Riot YTT offers an extensive 200 hour program with the tools to help set each student up for success but does not guarantee job placement with Zen Riot or any other establishment upon completion of the program.
I Agree and Understand
I do not Agree or Understand
Student agrees to pay all tuition fees, totalling $2950 to Zen Riot YTT before receiving certificate of Completion. Payment Plans are available.
I Agree and Understand
I do not Agree or Understand
Tuition for the program is $2950. In the event that the Student chooses to drop-out of the program after the program has begun, they understand and consent that there is no refund of tuition. Deferment may be an option, but is not guaranteed.
I Agree and Understand
I do not Agree or Understand
If participant needs to cancel registration, notification must be given by March 7th to receive refund. Refunds issued will be the total amount paid less $265 to cover Material Costs.
I Agree and Understand
I do not Agree or Understand
Each student is allowed to miss 8 hours, or one full day of the in person weekends. If more than one day of training is missed, student must schedule at a rate of $85/hour the additional hours missed to graduate from the program.
I Agree and Understand
I do not Agree or Understand
Student acknowledges all materials from the 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training are the intellectual property of ZEN RIOT. Unauthorized copying, sharing, or distributing of these materials without written consent is prohibited and may result in legal action.
I Agree and Understand
I do not Agree or Understand
To enroll in this YTT program we ask for a $500 deposit due at time of registration. How would you like to pay the remainder?

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